Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I woke up in a cold sweat

The goats are getting closer to blowing and there is so much to prepare for. They need selenium and vitamin A and D shots at 135 days (this Thursday). And there is so much I need to stock up on. Surgical gloves, antibiotic boluses, iodine, ky, newspaper, udder wipes, a bottle and nipple, molasses, and the list goes on. And that's just for the birth. The kids need all kinds of stuff up to 3 weeks of life, like disbudding, castration, (for males), shots, and so on. I woke up last night and had to google all kinds of stuff for like two hours to calm myself enough to go back to sleep. I feel better prepared this morning though, I just need to organize and start making shopping lists. I got nervous because a goat that has kidded before could potentially have like four babies. So it wouldn't be crazy to think that there will be eight babies, meaning I'll have a herd of 10 goats in the backyard. Oh my god, I'm getting twinges of panic again. Thank goodness I don't have many neighbors. I think I need to cut back on caffeine, after this last cup of coffee, I swear...


  1. Well, now that the urban free range chickens were taken away I'm in a funk. So if you need someone to babysit any of your brood let me know. I'm in withdrawal not having what I had come to feel were OUR chickens next door.

  2. A chicken sitter would be awesome!!! Throw in some goat milking and it's a deal!!!
