Friday, August 6, 2010

Baby ducks are heartless murderers

i have baby ducks in an ornamental birdcage that I swiped from my grandmothers trash pile in my house. The reason, they are murders. They stomped not one, but TWO baby quails!! And then slept on top of the bodies, like a serial killer. It was so gross, nature's rough. So they have been separated. The ducks now live in the dining room, where I can keep a close eye on them. I just can't figure out how they squirted poop inches from the cage onto the table. It's spiteful.
In other news, the moringa have sprouted! Now we will weather the end of the world just fine, haha. What this really means is free animal food! And bright orange egg yolks!! I'm so excited! We also filled the raised beds yesterday. We're only missing horse poo and pine bark. The pine bark has been sitting in the front yard for a month, I'm so embarassed to admit that, but what can I do with a baby and a crappy job?? Slowly but surely...

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