Sunday, October 3, 2010

Animals gone wild

i know I normally write about being overwhelmed and astonished by crazy animals, but I may have reached my limit. So since we have temporarily adopted these ducks, all he'll has broken loose and the ducks have tried their hardest to give me a stroke. When the new ducks were put in with the old ducks, I had them separated within the pen. That next morning I woke up to the loudest quacking I've heard yet. So I go outside and the ducks have broken through the inner barrier and are tear-assing back and forth like ping pong balls in this pen. When a new duck met an old duck they would scare each other so badly they would turn in the opposite direction and haul ass away, only to meet another strange duck two feet later. Do there were 24 grown geese sized ducks basically running in circles from each other. It was the craziest thing. Then the ducks would yell, making deputy dingle yell back, and thus went on for probrebly an hour before I said, f-it! And separated the ducks. So now I have the new ducks living with the goats and things have been much more peaceful... I haven't had a stroke yet. I have decided to downsize the animal situation. I sold the last three rabbits so now I only have two, my farm lady friend is coming tomorrow morning for the rouens, all eight if them. And if that old deputy dingle isn't getting down to business, he's getting put on craigslist!! Well, probrebly not, but it make me feel better knowing I have options.

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