Wednesday, September 1, 2010

King of the castle

Look what we made! And the goats love it! Now they play king of the castle and it's hilarious! We've also made a new goat fence out of reclaimed wood shipping containers. And I made a duck area too out of the same stuff. Hopefully my garden will finally be safe. I kind of went nutty yesterday and if you heard shreeking, that was not coco the local hooker, it was me. After chasing goats out if the garden all day, I built that darn fence single handedly and I couldn't be prouder. And after that I filled the raised beds in the lots with seeds and pulled the destroyed garden beds back to life. I strung up the Peking black peas and the Kentucky wonder snap beans. We had bamboo poles that were almost as tall as the upstairs windows that I made a trellise- like thing out of for them. That's after I had a near death experience trying to make a teepee. Picture bamboo coming at your head from all directions! I had to dive out of harms way, action movie style, landing with a splat. It was rediculous. And while all this chaos is going down, the baby never even stirred from his sleep once. Crazy.

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