Thursday, May 20, 2010

This is exactly what it looks like

I have to admit, this isnt the first time. I panic when I see a city truck or the person who owns the lot next door pull up in front of the house. So, what do I do? I put the goats in the kitchen. Chickens, I feel, are a lot easier to explain than goats. A lot of people around here have some chickens. We even have a large pack of wild chickens that roam around. I had no idea they were truly wild until I saw a mama hen with a brood of day old chicks walking down the sidewalk. Anyways, so to keep my Illegal animal activities secret, I put the goats in the kitchen. After they give birth and start going into heat again, I'm going to have to keep Juggy in there during her cycle because when she is in heat, she lets EVERYONE know. She bleats every 10 seconds and it sounds like a human. The first time I heard this was about 6 months ago when I went to the bathroom at like 7:30 in the morning and I heard this God awful screeching, so naturally I thought it was the prostitutes wrapping up a night of work. Until I realized, this awful noise was coming from the backyard. Loud noises are very common around here at all times of day and night. The ladies working the corner are usually high, so they will talk to themselves, yell, laugh, while hopping from sidewalk to sidewalk. I named my favorite one Kiki Skittles Plantain. I truly thought she was a real lady because she's so skinny, until I caught her after hours sporting a five o'clock shadow.
The next time Juggy went into heat and was screeching I was hanging out on the balcony bouncing the baby when I saw this guy walking in the road keep turning around to see where this yelling was coming from. Then I hear him hoot back, like trying to communicate with the goat. Needless to say her loud self will be locked up in the kitchen next heat cycle, so she doesnt attract any homeless suiters. Gross.

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